
What Is Intentional Living?

What Is Intentional Living?

Intention is literally defined as "a thing intended, an aim or plan" and to intend means "to have a course of action as one's purpose or objective, to design for a particular purpose or end" from Webster’s Dictionary.

So then, Intentional Living can literally be defined as Living with Intention or to expand a bit, to determine the purpose of your life // the way you want to live and to design a course of action to bring that about, but what exactly does that mean?

What One Year of Minimalism Has Taught Me

What One Year of Minimalism Has Taught Me

It's November, which means right around this time last year I stopped using #EmbracingMinimalism and decided to just start calling myself a Minimalist. The three years leading up to that decision had laid a solid foundation that would lead to this inevitable change.

For three years I had focused on buying less and saving more. What started as a focus on money & debt lead to getting rid of clutter, coming face-to-face with my anxiety, becoming healthier and learning how to live with less. This year has lead to a lot of changes and a lot of realizations that I couldn't possibly sum up into one single blog post, but here's my attempt to do so anyways.

Minimalism - A Documentary About The Important Things

Minimalism - A Documentary About The Important Things

Last Tuesday, Carl and I went to see The Minimalists’ new documentary film. It was released for one day in many theaters across the country. We both thought it was a great film and highly recommend it to anyone interested in pursuing an intentional, meaningful life. Check out their website to keep up with when the documentary will go on sale. 

Without giving too much away, here were my biggest takeaways…