A lot of people operate from the limiting belief that they can’t live out their dream life NOW given their current circumstances. BUT, what if I were to tell you that living your ultimate Dream Life is dependent upon you taking ACTION to create it NOW?! Learn how to get started by taking advantage of your five senses!
My Solo Trip to New Orleans
Vision Boards & Manifesting
If you’re curious about Vision Boards, what they are and how they work - then this post is for you! I was a skeptic, until I made one and then manifested something from my board within 2 hours of creating it!
In this post, I break down my background with Vision Boards, why I came to make one, what’s on my board and why and HOW Vision Boards work…
Making The Ultimate Mindset Shift
When Is Samuel Coming?
I don't often write about my faith, because it doesn't really enter into the realm of Zero-Waste and like, what's the best way to stop using plastic, but this SHIFT I keep talking about, the one from a mindset of lack to abundance, definitely relates to my faith, so I'm probably going to start implementing it into my writing more often…
The Power In Putting Yourself Out There
Fam Jam — I am coming to you in a state of being fully BLOWN. AWAY.
If you remember reading, The Trophy Doesn't Prove It, I realized that I was wrapping my self-worth up in accomplishments, achievements and the approval of others. It wasn't something that was constantly happening - due to years of internal work - but it was still happening too often for my good…
What Is Intentional Living?
Intention is literally defined as "a thing intended, an aim or plan" and to intend means "to have a course of action as one's purpose or objective, to design for a particular purpose or end" from Webster’s Dictionary.
So then, Intentional Living can literally be defined as Living with Intention or to expand a bit, to determine the purpose of your life // the way you want to live and to design a course of action to bring that about, but what exactly does that mean?
Vegan Friendly 24-Hr Trip to Charleston, SC
How To Start Going Zero-Waste
You don't go from trashy to zero overnight, it can take years, or sooner [depending on how hardcore you want to be about it], to get to that point. Ok. But how and where do you start?!
I get asked this question a lot, and I've got a few tips & approaches you can try out that can help you take some steps in the right direction, and before you know it, you'll be at the mason jar level too!