I don't often write about my faith, because it doesn't really enter into the realm of Zero-Waste and like, what's the best way to stop using plastic, but this SHIFT I keep talking about, the one from a mindset of lack to abundance, definitely relates to my faith, so I'm probably going to start implementing it into my writing more often…
No, Probably Not.
Word[s] of The Year[s]
Shortly before 2015 began I came across the concept of choosing a word to center your year around as opposed to making a resolution. As I listened to the woman talk about her word and how it weaved throughout her year, I was sold on the concept. Listening to her gave me the sense that her year had been fulfilled in the way that she wanted, and not simply by making an empty promise to herself, but by thinking on, reflecting on, and applying her word throughout every aspect of her life.
Right then, I had my word. Aware.