2016 Q4

2016 In Review

2016 In Review

I've never done one of these posts before, but after reading my friend Ashley's year in review, I thought it would be a good exercise for me. Maybe you're like me and just want 2016 to end. There was a lot of loss this year, and I also got really sick. I felt like 2016 was a completely terrible year, but that's because I can so easily focus on the negative and forget about the good.

I got caught up in what went wrong this year and on what didn't happen. I'm really glad I took the time to go through my year and see what actually happened. Since getting sick, I've had a new appreciation for life, a new kind of gratitude. Sure, 2016 was rough in areas, but there was a lot of good and if it weren't for 2016, I wouldn't be so excited for 2017. I'm pumped to take what I learned this year into the next.

No Lights Challenge - One Month in the Dark

No Lights Challenge - One Month in the Dark

In October I picked up the book, No Impact Man. I had heard about it a long time ago and added it to my book list to read one day, but just hadn’t gotten to it yet. For some unknown reason, it popped back into my head and I decided it was time to read it and see if it could help me take my environmental lifestyle to the next level.

What One Year of Minimalism Has Taught Me

What One Year of Minimalism Has Taught Me

It's November, which means right around this time last year I stopped using #EmbracingMinimalism and decided to just start calling myself a Minimalist. The three years leading up to that decision had laid a solid foundation that would lead to this inevitable change.

For three years I had focused on buying less and saving more. What started as a focus on money & debt lead to getting rid of clutter, coming face-to-face with my anxiety, becoming healthier and learning how to live with less. This year has lead to a lot of changes and a lot of realizations that I couldn't possibly sum up into one single blog post, but here's my attempt to do so anyways.