2018 Feb

Budget Travel Guide // Pittsburgh 2018

Budget Travel Guide // Pittsburgh 2018

This past weekend I got to go home to Wheeling, WV and make a short trip to Pittsburgh, PA with my Mom. We went up for about 6 hours on Sunday morning into Sunday evening and had a great time - but there were a few misses as well.

Unfortunately, misses happen every once in a while while traveling and although they can be kind of a bummer, hopefully they don't affect your trip TOO much.

Below is everywhere we went including the highs & the lows...

A Sober Check-In

A Sober Check-In

I've been sober for 9.5 weeks! Crazy, right?! Almost two and a half months... when I first started, I thought I'd share an update on how it's going each month for the year, but now I'm thinking this might be my last update until the end.

It's just not as hard as I thought it would be and how many times can I write, "I went out and didn't have a beer?" I don't want to make light of the situation because I know that this CAN be extremely hard for some people and I respect their struggle and desire for change.

Budget Travel Guide // Asheville 2018

Budget Travel Guide // Asheville 2018

We aren't prioritizing travel this year like we did last year [Asheville twice, Wheeling three times, Pittsburgh, Charleston SC, Wilmington, Boston, Latvia, Estonia & Finland!] but we ARE making a few trips for babies and weddings mostly, so I thought I'd share some Budget Friendly travel guides for the trips that we DO make this year - with the first one for Asheville.